Today, the life expectancy and quality of life for many bowel cancer patients is greatly improved than what it was just 10 years ago. Eighty percent of cases can be successfully treated if diagnosed early, often by surgery.
Conferences and workshops, forging change to improve patient outcome. Through its educational programmes, Pelican brings healthcare professionals together to discuss, share experiences and learn from others. Continued learning is essential to share the latest advances in treatment, technology and surgical treatments to embed best practice and knowledge.
Pelican’s National Education Programmes since 2003:
- MDT-TME (Multi-Disciplinary Team – Total Mesorectal Excision) Programme 2003-2007
- LOREC (Low Rectal Cancer) Development Programme 2009-2012
- SPECC (Significant Polyp and Early Colorectal Cancer) Programme 2014-2017
- IMPACT (Improving Management for Patients with Advanced Colorectal Tumours) 2018-2020
- OReCO (Optimising Rectal Cancer Outcomes) Programme 2024 – 2026
Pelican has pioneered groundbreaking work in the field of education and research which has changed clinical practice across the world, and with your support we are determined to continue in our goal to improve the care and treatment of patients with bowel cancer.
Since 2001, more than 8,000 clinicians have attended Pelican training courses and meetings. Pelican has hosted several crucial meetings for clinical experts including several Guidelines Meetings, contributing to setting national standards for cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Since 2002, Pelican has invested in medical research for bowel cancer. Our first major research project, MERCURY, assessed the role of MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) in accurately detecting and planning surgery for bowel cancer. Pelican has championed this use of MRI through its courses – and today it is recommended best practice for rectal cancer patients to have an MRI before surgery in the UK.
Pelican is currently working with Prof Gina Brown, Prof Brendan Moran and Miss Amy Lord to develop and deliver MERCURY 3 which is a futuristic study, further refining the use of MRI to stage cancers in patients with rectal cancer. Click here to find out more.