Pelican Cancer Foundation acknowledges valid concerns regarding the use of animals in medical research and is committed to avoiding the use of animals wherever possible.
Pelican Cancer Foundation will not support research involving the use of animals if there is a viable, non-animal alternative. However, despite developments in areas such as cell culture and computer modelling, there are still occasions when our researchers will depend upon the use of animals to help us achieve our objectives – improving the latest techniques of precision surgery for bowel, liver and urological cancer.
UK legislation safeguarding the welfare of animals used in research is widely regarded as the tightest in the world. Any applications for research funding must demonstrate that they are giving due consideration to the widely accepted principles of the 3Rs: reduction, refinement and replacement of the use of animals in experiments. They are required to show that their experiments will yield clear results using the minimum number of animals and with the least possible suffering.
The Pelican Cancer Foundation fully endorses the Association of Medical Research Charities’ (AMRC) position on the use of animals in research.