Pelican supports the Basingstoke Peritoneal Malignancy Institute with ongoing projects. In May 2013 the first Peritoneal Malignancy meeting was hosted in Pelican to discuss the pathological classification of PMP. Since then there has been an extensive consultation with experts across the world to find a consensus on this challenging area.
As this is such a new area of work there are a number of research projects in set-up, which if Pelican has sufficient funding, will be agreed by our research panel and supported by Spring 2015.
Exciting times!
See a talk by Mr Brendan Moran about Pseudomyxoma Peritonei
Colorectal Peritoneal Malignancy Registry
Colorectal peritoneal malignancy occurs in 5 – 50% of colorectal cancers and has historically been regarded as a marker for poor outcomes for patients.
Recently patients with peritoneal malignancy have been offered extensive treatment – radical surgery and intra peritoneal chemotherapy. However there is very little evidence on how this treatment helps patients, their quality of life and long term survival. The high costs of this treatment are also an issue.
Treatment has remained controversial as there is variability in definitions, the criteria for staging, patient selection, the dose of treatment and the role of systemic chemotherapy.
Pelican Cancer Foundation has developed registry for patients receiving treatment for colorectal peritoneal malignancy to gain a greater understanding of current practice and also compare different treatment regimens across centres.
This registry monitors and compares patient’s data on treatment, including type of surgery, intraperitoneal chemotherapy, adjuvant chemotherapy and outcomes. The registry will run from April 2015 for 12 months, when a first analysis will consider the value of an extension.
This study is led by Mr Mohamed Faheez form the Basingstoke Peritoneal Malignancy Institute.
Funding for this project has been taken on risk by Pelican Cancer Foundation and the charity continues to seek funding.