Pelican IMPACT 2018/20 completed dates
Fri 26th January: Oxford/Thames Valley/South West Thames/Wessex
Weds 21st March: Yorkshire and Humber
Weds 2nd May: Scotland
Mon 17th September: Northern
Fri 23rd November: Great Manchester/Merseyside
Mon 10th December: Northern Ireland/Republic of Ireland
Fri 25th January: East Midlands
Weds 20th March: East Anglia/East of England
Fri 12th July: North East Thames/London Cancer Alliance/North West Thames
Fri 13th September: South Western
Fri 22nd November: South Wales/North Wales
Weds 11th December: West Midlands
Fri 17th January: South East Thames
17th January 2020
The Pelican IMPACT Programme has now completed its two-year run of workshops reaching across the UK and Ireland. Through this series of courses, we have helped colorectal multidisciplinary teams learn about managing patients with advanced and recurrent cancers with the majority of colorectal teams from across Great Britain and Ireland participating.
Special thanks go to the current president of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland, Nicola Fearnhead, Professor Jim Hill and Professor Brendan Moran – combining the experience of Pelican Cancer Foundation in MDT course development and delivery with the clinical leadership of ACPGBI. We are particularly grateful to our two main donors, The Lady Yuen Peng McNeice Charitable Foundation and the ACPGBI for the enormous financial support which made this venture possible.
This initiative will improve outcomes for many ill patients and will help integrate the crucial role of palliative care in complex cancer pathways.
30th September 2019
Pelican IMPACT travelled to Taunton in September for our South West Meeting. This smaller chapter of the ACPGBI met to discuss a number of topics, including video content directly from patients about their own experiences. There was lively discussion between delegates who engaged with our faculty of experts including Prof. Brendan Moran and Mr Faheez Mohamed. This workshop gave clinicians drawn from 14 hospitals across the region a rare opportunity to connect with each other in person.
This month, we will be assisting the NETS: KHP Kent and Hampshire Hospitals NET Centre Seventh Annual Meeting. This annual meeting discusses the management of patients with neuroendocrine tumours and considers current advances and challenges in NETs.
We’re looking forward to a busy course programme between now and Christmas, as we take Pelican IMPACT to Wales in November and then to the West Midlands in December to round off the year.
20th March 2019
Our IMPACT workshop at Newmarket Race Course on 20th March was a huge success – with over 130 cancer specialists from hospitals across East Anglia the discussion was lively and interactive.
‘These influential workshops, which change practice and directly help patients access the best treatments, are only possible thanks to your help and generosity.’
‘We continue to receive excellent feedback on our workshops from clinicians who attend. “The Masterclass was excellent…the generosity of time, information and experience. Delightful to behold. Many congratulations again on such a wonderful job. Many colleagues are expressing interest in future courses already!’
‘Thank you so much for putting on such an inspirational day. It was such a wonderful day, I’m so inspired to move things forward for our patients.’
We are taking IMPACT to London next on 12th July and already have over 70 cancer specialists signed up for the day.
11th December 2018
We’ve rounded the year off with our IMPACT Ireland workshop which was attended by clinicians from Northern Ireland and the Republic – who came together on 10th December for successful interactive workshops and collaboration. We had 62 attendees with 21 faculty – and our next workshop moves to the East Midlands on 25th January.
‘Another excellent day organised by Pelican – never fails to deliver and inform’
‘Excellent discussion on topics with many disciplines’
‘Excellent workshop – balanced, comprehensive, cohesive’
‘Very thought provoking’
‘Nice to see such patient involvement with what is a wonderful initiative’
18th September 2018
Our Northern IMPACT meeting was held at Newcastle Royal Infirmary on 17th September. 80 delegates and 27 faculty attended on the day with some excellent feedback once again. Our next IMPACT meeting is to be held in Manchester on 23rd November. Some feedback from our attendees:
‘Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the meeting on Monday. We discussed quite a few of the points raised with our local MDT members yesterday who weren’t at the meeting. We had a few useful take home messages which will change our practice. Please pass our thanks on to the team’
‘Brilliant workshop’
‘Having videos of patient’s stories was brilliant’
‘The use of case studies was a very beneficial way to learn’
‘Excellent workshop – thought-provoking’
‘Enjoyed the interactive work using response pad. Excellent day!’
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26th July 2018
It is exactly a year since we had the first steering group meeting for the Pelican IMPACT programme, a collaboration between Pelican Cancer Foundation and the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland.
So far we have had three workshops:
26th January in Basingstoke
21st March in York
2nd May in Edinburgh
411 people have attended a Pelican IMPACT workshop. This is broken down by speciality below and includes 72 faculty – 4 speakers have come to all 3 workshops.
Participants have come from 52 different hospitals across Wessex, Oxford, Yorkshire and Scotland.
The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive with an average evaluation of 4.3/5 for the programme.
It is impossible to know thus far what the overall impact of the programme will be on patients, from the feedback it feels as if it has given teams some additional confidence and understanding of the complexity of treatment, the increased number of treatment options available and the importance of patients seeing the right person in the right place at the right time.
3rd May 2018
Our IMPACT meeting for Scotland was held at Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh on 3rd May. The event was a huge success and again we had over 100 attendees! We’re now looking onwards to our next IMPACT meeting which will be in Newcastle on 17th September.
We’ve had some great feedback, including:
‘You’re doing great work’
‘Nice to get thoughts and expertise from Basingstoke and all over’
‘Its been great -A well put together teaching day of interesting incite into a more cohesive approach to advanced CRC patients’
‘Really enjoyable opportunity to be interactive both with response pads and ability to contribute to discussions’
21st March 2018
The Yorkshire and Humber Pelican IMPACT workshop was held at York University on 21st March. With an exceptional faculty and over 100 people in the room, we had a great day of discussion and debate.
Some feedback from the day:
‘Excellent learning programme’
‘Really well organised, liked the vote pads and lovely to see patients perspective on the films’
‘Keep up the good work and more such regular meetings’
‘Develop a stage iV cancer MDT’
‘Request palliative care attendance at MDT if possible’
‘More and earlier referral to liver unit and peritoneal service’
‘Earlier discussion with the patient/family about palliative care input’
‘Review our referral to specialist MDTs to ensure we are getting the best service for our patients’
29th January 2018
We have now launched Pelican IMPACT (in collaboration with ACPGBI) – Improving Management for Patients with Advanced Colorectal Tumours.
Led by Mr Brendan Moran from Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital, Professor Jim Hill from Manchester Royal Infirmary and Ms Nicola Fearnhead, from Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, formed the leadership with Pelican CEO, Sarah Crane, at the inaugural meeting on Friday 26 January.
After presentations of case studies and expert panel discussion, it was agreed that the ground-breaking work will give more patients an informed choice about the best treatment options and available supportive care.
The Pelican IMPACT programme will hold a series of 14 regional workshops across England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, for bowel cancer teams (MDTs) which include a surgeon, palliative care consultant, radiologist, oncologist, pathologist, and a clinical nurse specialist.
The free one-day seminars will inform cancer specialists of the current and developing pathway options for treating the advanced stage of the disease in order to encourage the best possible treatment for every patient. The awareness-raising sessions will include videos featuring patient case studies and the opportunity for the MDTs to discuss, with expert opinion, the multiple options for patients with advanced bowel tumours.
Pelican chief executive Sarah Crane opened the inaugural meeting and welcomed the enthusiastic support that has been received for the new programme.
She said: “Launching Pelican IMPACT Is hugely exciting – we look forward to rolling out the programme to multidisciplinary teams across the country, and hope the result will be more streamlined referrals and better-informed choice for patients.
“By improving communication and education about advanced colorectal cancer among clinicians in the UK, we can focus on the latest treatment pathways to deliver the best possible palliative specialist care for patients.
“This is Pelican’s fourth national development programme for bowel cancer multi-disciplinary teams and our most ambitious yet. We want to help all patients with advanced bowel cancer as sadly bowel cancer remains the second greatest cause of cancer death in the UK.”
Dr Lisa Boulstridge, from Burton Hospitals Foundation Trust – spoke on the importance of early palliative care to help alleviate bowel cancer patients’ psychological concerns and physical symptoms.
Palliative Care Consultant Dr Anna Wilkinson, from Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, emphasised the importance of talking about what we want at the end of life – for ourselves, our families and our patients. Talking about the end of life is never easy and often the conversation is avoided until it is too late, she said.
The next Pelican IMPACT workshop will be held for the Yorkshire and Humberside cancer network on 21st March, where around 150 more doctors and nurses will attend
1st October 2017
The Pelican IMPACT Steering Group met earlier in the summer at the Royal College of Physicians to discuss the details of our next national development programme.
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Back row: Miss Fenella Welsh, Dr Lisa Boulstridge, Mr Ian Jenkins, Dr Ashley Guthrie, Mr Brendan Moran, Mr Martyn Evans, Mr James Wheeler
Front row: Mrs Sarah Crane, Miss Abi Vallance, Dr Elizabeth Belcher, Miss Deena Harji, Ms Nicola Fearnhead and Mr Tom Cecil
With this eminent group leading the way we are confident that this will be our most influential programme to date. With their guidance on the clinical content and evidence from the ACPGBI patient’s forum, Pelican IMPACT will have an exceptional opportunity to help today’s cancer patients.
The Pelican IMPACT one-day workshops will provide an opportunity for al colorectal MDTs across England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland to discuss how we can help patients with advanced colorectal cancer live better for longer, to get the best treatment at the best time and in the best place for each person.
Advanced bowel cancer includes T4 tumours, metastatic (liver, lung and peritoneal) and recurrent disease. Based on case studies and with eminent presenters and panels the workshops will build on Pelican’s reputation for helping bowel cancer teams.
Pelican IMPACT workshops will offer 7 free places for each colorectal MDT as long as this includes a surgeon, radiologist, palliative care, oncologist, pathologist and nurse. The workshops will be hosted in each ACPGBI chapter, staring in Basingstoke on 26th January 2018. Following workshops will be:
Yorkshire & Humber 21st March 2018
Scotland on 2nd May
Northern England on 17th September
Manchester & Mersey on 23rd November
Ireland on 10th December
South East Thames – postponed to 17th January 2020