If you have signs or symptoms such as a change in bowel habit that last for a few weeks, rectal bleeding, weight loss or abdominal pain, you should arrange to see your GP to arrange further investigation.
If you have been diagnosed with bowel cancer and have questions or concerns about your diagnosis and treatment you should talk to your colorectal specialist nurse.
Below is a list of relevant organisations and their website links – many of these can provide patients and carers with support and further information about research and current treatment options.
- Bowel Cancer UK
- Macmillan Cancer Support
- Cancer Help UK
- Marie Curie Cancer Care
- Cancer Research UK
- The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain & Ireland
- Colostomy Association
- Wessex Cancer Trust
- Cancer Support UK
- NHS – ‘Find Cancer information and support services’
To hear people talk about their experience of bowel cancer, you may find these sections in Healthtalkonline helpful, on:
(Please note that this website does not appear to be updated regularly. At the end of each page, it shows when it was last edited).
- Any links provided by Pelican Cancer Foundation are as an aid to general cancer information.
- Pelican Cancer Foundation takes no responsibility for the information provided within these links. The accuracy for the content of these links lies with the owner of the particular visited website.
- Any medical information or treatment options should be discussed with your doctor – Pelican Cancer Foundation cannot give advice on medical issues in any context.