Working in collaboration with The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland, Mr Brendan Moran Consultant Colorectal Surgeon and the Pelican Cancer Foundation team aim to deliver OReCO (Optimising Rectal Cancer Outcomes) a national colorectal Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) workshop programme for colorectal MDT’s in Great Britain and Ireland. The programme will see 20 one-day workshops delivered from January 2024 to December 2026. The workshops will be funded by charitable resources and there will be no charge for delegate attendance.
The aim is to raise standards on rectal cancer management across all colorectal MDT’s, to maximise outcomes for the benefit of the greatest number of patients. These principles have been the focus of previous Pelican workshops, and the current programme aims to expand on previous work and modernise thinking and practice.
The first four workshops are now confirmed:
24 January 2024: The Ark Conference Centre, Basingstoke
11 March 2024: The International Convention Centre, Newport, South Wales
2 May 2024: The Cavendish Conference Centre, London
19 July 2024: TBC, North Wales
If you would like to hear more about Pelican OReCO and how you can support this programme please contact Jane Staff: