The Research Review Panel (RRP) is a standing committee of the Pelican Cancer Foundation (PCF).
Its purpose is:
- To advise on the development of the charity’s research strategy
- To manage the peer review process as part of the charity’s research awards programme and make recommendations for funding to the Board of PCF
- To preserve and enhance the reputation of the charity as a funder of high-quality, robust and relevant research into colorectal cancer and associated secondary diseases
- To advise the PCF Board on its research strategy and priorities
- To decide themes for strategic grants as appropriate
- To oversee the peer review process and recommend approval for research grants and awards
- To facilitate and contribute to the appointment of external peer reviewers for grant applications
- To review and update the pool of external peer reviewers annually
- To review and recommend approval for all documentation relating to grants awards including (but not limited to) grants and awards terms of conditions, standard operating procedures and application forms
- To facilitate and contribute to the development of post-award support for grant recipients
- To review and highlight good practice, or research of note that result from Pelican funding (via reports)
The RRP will have up to 10 members as follows
- 8 medical professionals from relevant specialties
- 2 lay members
Nominations for membership of the committee will be sought via an open call to members of relevant organisations in the field of colorectal cancer and related specialities.
A quorum will be 4 members. Non-attending members may submit their views on applications prior to the meeting.
Members will be recommended for approval to the Board by the Chair of the RRP.
Terms of appointment for all members will be 3 years, which can be extended for a further 3 years on the Chair’s recommendation, and if approved by the Board. Members may not be re-appointed to the RRP within 3 years of a previously completed membership term.
Members of the RRP are expected to attend 50% of meetings annually (including online meetings) unless agreed, exceptionally, by the Chair.
Chair of the RRP
The Chair of the RRP will be appointed by the Board and will serve a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 6 years.
The Chair will not be permitted to submit applications for funding during his/her term of office.
Meetings will be conducted face-to-face or online on a 6 monthly basis. The Chair may convene additional meetings as they deem necessary.
The charity will provide secretarial and administrative support for meetings.
An agenda and supporting papers will be agreed by the chair and will be circulated by email to members at least 7 days before the meeting.
Formal minutes recording the proceedings of the meetings will be taken by the support officer from the charity and will be shared with the Chair within 7 days of the meeting. Final minutes will be circulated to RRP members within 3 weeks of the meeting date.
Any issues relating to the proper conduct of research will be reported to the Board for appropriate action.
Conflicts of Interest
To ensure the ongoing impartiality and objectivity of the RRP, members are asked to adhere to Pelican’s Research Conflicts of Interest Policy when reviewing grant applications. If a vested interest is identified by a Panel member, they must withdraw from the consideration of that application.
Created: August 2021, Reviewed June 2024.