Every Colorectal Cancer Multi-Disciplinary Team in England and Wales will receive an invitation to join a free one-day workshop on SPECC. Teams will be invited to join other hospitals from the same Strategic Clinical Network.
The programme for the workshop has been devised by an expert steering group and a general overview of the programme’s workshop content can be seen below. The speakers at every workshop will be a mix of national and local experts, with local clinicians joining the faculty within each network.
Forthcoming SPECC Workshops
So far there have been 9 workshops attended by 660 clinicians from 94 NHS trusts. We are running the following workshops:
Cardiff, Wales – 29th November 2017
Bristol, South West of England – 8th December 2017
If you would like to book onto any of these courses please download our booking form and return it completed to admin@pelicancancer.org.
Sample Workshop Content Overview
Workshop Aims: To advance local and regional practice in the definition, recognition, documentation, treatment and strategic planning for significant polyps and early colorectal cancer.
• Strengths and local interest; who does what within the region
Case Study
• Stimulating discussion & debate on the diagnosis and management of a SPECC lesion
Definition and Anatomy | Surgeon
• A significant polyp is a large (20mm) sessile or flat colorectal lesion
• Early colorectal cancer is generally a small (3cm) malignant colorectal lesion with a low risk of nodal involvement.
Screening | Epidemiologist
• Changing incidence of SPECC with screening era
The overall pathway for SPECC patients | Gastroenterologist
• Endoscopy tips, tricks, tools, and troubleshooting
Recognition and assessment | Gastroenterologist
• Endoscopic assessment, characterization, documentation
• Strategic planning – today or another day / another place / another person?
• Endoscopic adjuncts, chromo-endoscopy, narrow band imaging
Triple assessment for rectal lesions | Surgeon
• Planning optimal management, more than staging accuracy
• Different endorectal ultrasound platforms and their use by the surgeon – when and how to use ultrasound
Significant lesions on MRI Rectum | Radiologist
• Staging with MRI for rectal SPECC to assess depth of invasion and lymph node involvement
CT colonoscopy: in detecting polyps and early cancer | Radiologist
• Outline principles of CTC – bowel preparation – full mechanical versus tagged faeces
• Methods, tips, tricks and tools
Case study for SPECC managed by endoscopic treatment | Gastroenterologist
• A case that might be commonly found but universally challenging and controversial
The pathologists view? | Pathologist
• Technical difficulties in categorizing benign or malignant polyps
The patient perspective | Colorectal Nurse Specialist
• Balancing risk and individual choice – cases to demonstrate different individual choices?
Endoscopic excision techniques – EMR/ESD | Gastroenterologist
• Advantages and challenges of EMR and ESD, tips, tricks
Transanal excision for rectal lesions | Surgeon
• Suspected early rectal cancer management – indications, evidence, technique and follow-up
Contact X-ray Brachytherapy (Papillon) | Oncologist
• What is brachytherapy, who is it suitable for and how does it work